2.1 information storage
A machine-level program views memory as a very large array
of bytes,referred to as virtual memory.Every byte of memory is identified by a unique number,known as its addr,and the set of all possible addresses is known as thevirtual address space.2.1.1 Hexadecimal Notation
converting a decimal number x to hexadecimal,we can re-
peatly divide x by 16,and using the remainder:1227 = 76 * 16 + 11 //11 is b
76 = 4 * 16 + 12 //12 is c 4 = 0 * 16 + 4 // 4 so the hexadecimal number of 1227 is ox4cb //REVERSE2.1.2 Date Sizes
Every computer has a word size,indicating the nominal
size of pointer data.Since a virtual address is encoded by such a word,the most important sytem parameter deter- mined by the word size is the maximum size of the vir- tual address space.That is,for a machine with a w-bit word size,the virtual addresses can range from 0 to 2^w-1 ,giving the program access to at most 2^w bytes.One aspect of portability is to make the program insensi-
tive to the exact sizes of the different data types.2.1.3 Addressing and Byte Ordering
What the address of the object will be,and how we will
order the bytes in memory.In virtually all machines,a multi-byte objects is stored as a contiguous sequence of bytes,with the address of the object given by the smallest address of the bytes used.The least significant byte comes first to be stored in
memory is refferred to as "little endian". a ^ 1 //make complement a ^ 0 // keep same valuea ^ ~0xff //keep last two same,others make complement
2.2 Integer Representations
Bits can be used to encode integers:
one that can only represent nonnegative numbers,and one that can represent negative,zero,and positive numbers.2.2.3
in the file "stdint.h": intN_t forms for data types INTN_MIN,INTN_MAX,and UINTN_MAX //macros"limits.h" defines a set of constants
Conversion from two's complement to unsigned,for x such
that TMin <= x <= Tmax :T2U(x) = x + 2 ^ w x < 0
x x >= 0Conversion from unsigned number to signed:
U2T(u) = u, u <= Tmax
u - 2 ^ W u > Tmax"always convert integer to unsigned when they together"
2.2.6 Expanding the bit representation of a number
Expansion of an unsigned number by zero extension
Expansion of a two's-complement number by sign ex-
tension."converting from short to unsigned int,first change"
"the size(int) and then the type(unsigned)"2.2.7 Truncating Numbers
When truncating,just truncate directly. Truncating a
number can alter its value--a form of overflow.2.3 Integer Arithmetic (page 84 - 104)
2.3.1 Unsigned Addition
x + y, x + y < 2 ^ w //normal
x + y = x + y - 2 ^ w, 2^w <= x + y < 2 ^ w + 1//ovfl Detecting overflow of unsigned additionFor x and y in the range 0 <= x,y <= umax, if s = x+y
.Then the computation of s overflowed if and only if s < x (or equvalently,s < y).2.3.2 Two's-Complement Addition
For integer values x and y in the range:
-2^(w-1) <= x,y<= 2^(W-1) - 1: x + y - 2^w, 2^(w-1) <= x+y //positive overflox + y = x + y, -2^(w-1) <= x+y < 2^(w-1) //normal
x + y + 2^w, x+y < -2^(w-1) //negative overflo
Detecting overflow in two's-complement addition
for x and y in the range tmin <=x,y <= tmaxx,
positive overflow:
if x > 0 and y > 0 but sum <= 0.negative overflow:
if x < 0 and y < 0 but sum >= 0. One technique for performing two's-complement negation at the bit level is to complement the bits and then increment the result.In c, we can state that for any integer value x, computing the "-x and ~x+1" will same results.A second way to performing two's-complement negation
of a number x is based on splitting the bit verctor into two parts.keep the rightmost 1,and the rest of it make a complement. e.g: 1010 -> 01 10(KEEP THE LOWEST 1 BIT)2.3.4 Unsigned Multiplication
For x and y such that 0 <= x,y <= UMAX:
x * y = (x*y)mod 2^w2.3.5 Two's-Complement Multiplication
x * y = U2T((x*y)mod 2^w)
PRINCIPLE: Bit-level equivalence of unsigned and two's-
complement multiplication.Determine whether arguments can be multiplied without
overflow: int tmult_ok(int x,int y){ int p = x * y; /* Either x is zero, or dividing p by x gives y */ return !x || p/x == y;}2.3.6 Multiplying by constants
multiply instruction on many machines was fairly slow,
so, one important optimization used by compliers is to attempt to replace multiplications by constant factors with combinations of shift and addition operations.2.3.7 Dividing by powers of 2
Using shift operations.The two different right shifts:
logical and arithmetic, serve this purpose for unsigned and two's-complement numbers,respectively."Integer division always rounds toward zero."
+ unsigned integer always round douw
+ signed integer round down but for negative,can use "biasing" technica causing round up.(x + (1 <<k) - 1) >> k.
The biasing technique exploits the property that:
x/y = (x+y-1)/y
For a two's-complement machine using arithmetic right
shifts,the C expression:(x<0 ? x+(1<<k)-1 : x) >> k
// "(1<<k)-1 meaning k bits of 1."will compute the value x/(2^k)
int div16(int x) { //(page 107 problem)
// Comute bias to be either 0(x>=0) or 15(x<0)
int bias = (x >> 31) & 0xF; return (x + bias) >> 4; }2.3.8 Final Thoughts on Integer Arithmetic
2.4 Floating Point
A floating-point representation encodes rational numbers
of the form V = x * 2^y. It is useful for performing computations involving very large numbers(|V|>>0),numbers very close to 0(|V|<<1),and more generally as an approxi- mation to real arithmetic.2.4.4 Rouding
For a value x we generally want a systematic
method of finding the "closest" matching value X that can be repersented in the desired floating- point format. "This is the task of the rounding" operation.The IEEE floating-point format defines four
different rounding modes.The default method finds a closest match,while the other three can be used for computing upper and lower bounds.1. round-to-even \\default
2. round-toward-zero 3. round-down 4. round-upRound-to-even rounding can be applied to binary
fractional numbers.We consider least significant bit value 0 to be even. 10.11100 --> 11.00 //the least significant 10.10100 --> 10.10 // bit equal to zeronote: xxx.yyy100....... 100 represent half way
2.4.5 Floating-point operations
(3.14 + 1e10) - 1e10 = 0.0 //lost due to rounding
3.14 + (1e10 - 1e10) = 3.14
floating-point addition satisfies the following monotonicity property: if a >= b, then x + a >= x + bfloating-point multilication does not distribute over
addition.floating-point multiplication satisfies the following
monotonicity properties for any values of a,b,an c other than NaN:a >= b and c >= 0 ==> a * c >= b * c
a >= b and c <= 0 ==> a * c <= b * c from int or float to double,the exact numeric value can be perserved because double has both greater rangefrom float or double to int,the value will be rounded
toward zero.----------------------------------------------------------